All That Remains – Six
I guess you’ve made it big when one of your songs is included in the Guitar Hero franchise. Kick ass song to run to. High BPM. Run Forrest, Run! Also love to bust out the Jazz Hands right before the solo. Six is on the band’s third studio release “The Fall of Ideals” which was […]
Threat Signal – To Remember
CANADIAN FUCKIN METAL! One of the first bands that got me hooked on the really heavy stuff. I love the sound, it’s not quite the galloping bottom end like Maiden, but I’m not quite sure what you would call it……..Groovy as Fuck, for lack of a better phrase. Give it a listen, see what you […]
The Dear Hunter – This Body
I was going through my “starred” playlist on Spotify and remembered how much I dug the track This Body from The Dear Hunter. It was such a great song I decided to look into The Dear Hunter a bit a post the track on the site. I had listened to a few tracks from The […]
Armored Saint – Can U Deliver
Had to go to the Vault for this bitch. Armored Saint! Who bought this album in the 80’s because it had Kick Ass cover art?? I remember the days at the Herrington’s house trying to figure out that damned Yamaha stereo with the big ass speakers so we could jam this. Corksleroy & Big […]
Shadows Fall – Still I Rise
Shadows Fall……first heard these cats on iTunes while looking around for some good songs to work out to. I have all their albums now. A lot of their songs seem to sound alike to me, but badass none the less. Plus, Brian Fair (a more melodic Jon Bush) has the most EPIC fucking dreads I […]
Hatebreed – Before the Fight Ends You Hatebreed. This is probably one of the angriest groups of dudes I have ever heard. This is a good song for powering out those last few sets at the gym. Makes you want to flip some cars and beat the shit out of some punks. End the fight! Before the fight ends you This […]
Stemm – Left Behind
STEMM, hailing from Niagra Falls NY, penned the UFC theme song, Face the Pain 8 years ago branding the Hard Rock act as The Soundtrack to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. [spotify play=”spotify:track:4CZkJAO5wa8vLpQkQT0x9T” size=”300″ sizetype=”width”]
Ghosts of August – The Crutch
Detroit based quintet I found browsing Spotify. The “Related Artists” feature is a fantastic way to find some killer new tunes. This is on one of my cardio playlists while at the gym…’s got a killer groove to it.
Jimi Jamison – Love Is Alive
Was driving home and although I very rarely listen to the radio, I figured I’d give it a spin. This track started the instant I turned it up. I haven’t heard this tune in ages. Always thought it was a soulful groove monster. But something was different. This one seemed a little more rocking than […]
Claymore Scotch Ale

This tasty ale pours a beautiful dark copper color and due to the moderate carbonation, only leaves a short head with very little lacing around the glass. I get light smells of caramel, a bready yeast and maybe a touch of coffee or roasted smoky malts.