Mnemic – Diesel Uterus
I have been a huge fan of the Danish metal band Mnemic after stumbling across them on a late night YouTube music binge. I dug it so much I went out a grabbed a copy Sons of The System the very next day and put the entire album on repeat for a week or two. […]
Pat Guadagno – All Along The Watchtower
It may sound corny, but my real goal has always been to touch people with the music that comes from my soul. There is no feeling like that of being connected to someone across the room from you. I hope to never get used to it, expect it to happen, or understand where it comes from.” – The […]
Ryan Adams – Wasted Years
Not a fan of Ryan Adams at all, but he SMOKES this. One of my favorite Maiden songs and he slays it. His haunting voice coupled with the acoustic guitar is a great match and is a fantastic version of this song. You can also find this song on the Californication – Season 6 soundtrack.
Atlanta Rhythm Section – The Ballad of Lois Malone
I have heard many, many stories about the good old days with ARS. I used to work with a guy that was the steel player on Silver Eagle from The Boys From Doraville album. He didn’t like to talk about it, but every once in a while, we would get a story or two out […]
These guys are the balls! – They remind me of a modern day Scatterbrain.
Kidneythieves – Zerospace
Just a strange band. I can’t really remember how I found out about them. This song is a static staple of my youtube listening. I also keep a copy on my phone for those times I just want to listen to something different. They are not really my cup of tea, but I think this […]
Trombone Shorty
Was frying some fish last night and I needed some fish frying music to really do it right. Since P and I have been talking about New Orleans lately, and I had my fingers in fresh fish with a pot of grits on the stove, I was going for soul or funk. A few […]
Cabernet Barrel-Aged Laika Stout

My lovely bride hooked me up with a few tasty beers for my birthday last week and this monster from Straight to Ale Brewing of Huntsville, Alabama was easily my fave. First of all, who knew they were brewing such delicious beers in Alabama? I thought Alabama was country music, coon huntin’ and Natty Light. […]
Cheap Beer Reviewed By A Wine Expert

Cheap Beer Reviewed By A Wine Expert
Die Antwoord – Enter The Ninja
A little over a year ago, I was building a playlist in Spotify for all of the acts playing at the VOODOO Festival in New Orleans, LA and coming to terms with the idea that I had no idea who some of the electronic/rave artists were. I figured I’d go down that rabbit hole for […]